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Course : Covid-MIS

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Amid COVID-19, based on country-wide successful deployment of LMIS and the project’s inhouse capacity on digitization, COVID-MIS was developed and implemented to integrate information, collected through different web based and mobile applications on a single technology platform. The COVID-MIS supports different data sets and translates them into actionable information around COVID-19 vaccination and vaccines management through analytical dashboards. It has a pivotable role in effective response to supply chain system strengthening through covid vaccine data management, resource identifications, data analytics, warehouse management, distribution planning, forecasting & quantification, and reverse logistics.

The COVID-MIS plays a critical role for the healthcare organizations and governments in terms of preparedness as it provides a range of benefits based on vaccination distribution, coverage, monitoring the impact of interventions, and analyzing data to identify trends and patterns. This can help make more informed decisions and to respond more effectively to the pandemic.

Covid LMIS User & Training Manuals

1 Covid LMIS Training Manual

COVID-19 NIH Inventory Management

COVID-19 NDMA Procurement and LMIS


COVID-19 Travelers Surveillance MIS

COVID-19 Forecasting Calculator for PPE

Sindh COVID-19 Training Dashboard